- About
When a child is involved in an accident or becomes very poorly, a parent drops everything to go with their son or daughter to hospital. This can result in families being hundreds of miles away from home with none of their possessions. We provide all the necessary items parents need to get through a few days in hospital so that they can focus solely on their child and their treatment.
We provide ‘Parent Packs’ for all families who are transferred by the Nectar (North East Children’s Transfer And Retrieval) team in our region. The team cover the whole of the country to get patients to the hospitals in Newcastle Upon Tyne when they require specialist care. Simply put, the team provide ‘Intensive Care’ in an ambulance so children can be moved to the right hospital to be in the care of the people who can best treat them. The packs contain the bare essentials to get through a few days in hospital:
- shower gel
- shampoo/conditioner
- toothpaste/toothbrush
- hair bobbles
- a small towel
- deodorant
- comb
- soap
- Team Evie notebook
- a drink
- a snack
- a soft toy for the children
We also provide the bags to many of the wards we support at the Great North Children’s Hospital. Families who take a child to A & E at the hospital who is then admitted, or who is brought in by ambulance from the region in a emergency are often caught out by the situation and have no possessions, so the staff give out our bags to help them through the first few days in hospital with their child.
The bags have been described by parents as ‘a Godsend‘ and a comment which we always remember is when a parent told us they were ‘given a bag that contained everything they needed to feel human’. We are so pleased to provide these packs to families during what is often the most challenging times of their lives, and so proud to make such a difference to those who receive them.
We donate the bags in batches of 100 - at a cost of £10 each this means we need to raise £1000 to purchase the next batch!
If you could donate the cost of a bag towards the appeal it would make a huge difference to a family in their time of need!!